Hints of the network

In Technology Review Wade Roush writes in The Internet Is Your Next Hard Drive:

Online storage systems that can automatically synchronize the data on all of your computing devices, including the PCs you use at home and at work and your smart phone, are finally a reality. One industry watcher, Thomas Vander Wal, calls them “personal infoclouds”: technologies that scatter your data across the Internet and reassemble them on your preferred devices.

This is a great article that describes the next revolution in consumer network services. Eventually corporations will be forced to use these network services. The demand for ever increasing cost effectiveness and the need for greater agility will drive companies to use network services. Corporations will then have vast infoclouds distributed across a network of low cost highly available server clouds (like 12 9’s availability).

Mr.Rousch also points out some limitations one being security (Its been solved in my mind, look at cleversafe) and the other is :

Some 68 percent of Internet users in the United States still don’t have broadband cable or DSL service at home, and there aren’t enough Wi-Fi hotspots to keep busy urbanites and their laptops connected all day; and, in any case, the handheld devices they connect from still have limited memory and display capabilities. “A synchronization service isn’t worth much if you can’t get to the service, either because you can’t get online, or because your device is sitting on your desk,” says Pang. “More abundant wireless and better mobile devices are [going to be] important supporting players.”

This is scary 68 percent of the Internet users (what about those folks not on the Internet) don’t have broadband. The lack of broadband access is not only a barrier to the next generation of network services, it’s the barrier that will sustain the digital divide in the United States. The telecommunications reform bill currently being fought over in Congress will determine how the network is fitted out for the next generation of services. Universal and symmetrical service is the key to developing a meaningful environment for rich network services.

Just my two cents. Its a good article check it out.

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